Rebel Brews & Merch
LoCoffee - Serving Sass with Every Sip | Rebel Brews & Merch

Sooo what are we?

When my friends asked me the crucial question - "So what's LoCoffee?" I didn’t really know what answer to give them. Side project? Creative outburst? Giving the middle finger to how most coffee-based brands look?
Nah. I’d say it’s more of a feeling. Those zoomies after too much coffee. Flirting with the barista at your local coffee shop. Playing AC/DC to wake yourself up while downing some Ethiopian coffee from a V60 that you’ve cleaned once in your life.
Just chill. Relax. Don’t take yourself too seriously. As long as you’re cool, we’ll get along. Come on this journey of crazy coffee, merch, and events, and maybe you’ll be my next friend to appear on those fucking polaroids. Say “fuck off” to boring and douchey coffee approaches and vibe with us.

Jacob - Captain, Head Barista, Dickhead, Mischief Director, pretty nice guy overall.

Let’s make some

memories together

New Hats and T-shirts

Let’s make your daily walk for coffee a wee bit more controversial. Love it.

LoCoffee T-shirt
loCoffee Hats
LoCoffee Hat